A Study on the Challenges and Legal Issues arising from Chinese investment in Bangladesh Natural Resources and Infrastructure

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  • Al-Mamnur Rashid LL.B. (Hona's) LL.M (Masters) Bu, Masters of International Law, Xiamen University,China PhD Candidate ZUEL, China




Natural resource; Infrastructure; International Investment Agreements (IIAs); Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT);


This study focuses on the challenges and legal issues surrounding Chinese investment in Bangladesh's natural resources and infrastructure. It looks at the impact of Chinese investment on the country's resources and infrastructure, including any legal and regulatory issues that may arise. The study may examine how Bangladesh's laws and regulations protect the country's natural resources and infrastructure from foreign investment, and whether these laws are adequate to ensure that the country's resources are being used sustainable and in a manner that benefits the local communities. Additionally, the study may look at the role of international law and international organizations in mediating disputes between Bangladesh and Chinese investors. I have mentioned foreign investments in natural resources of Bangladesh e.g. natural gas, petroleum oil, coal and water resources. Until now, China only invests in a couple of sectors relating to natural resources. These investments are infrastructure projects e.g. power generation, construction, port establishment, agro-processed product, electrical and electronics, light engineering, roads, railways, power plants, and water treatment facilities, etc.

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How to Cite

Rashid, A.-M. (2024). A Study on the Challenges and Legal Issues arising from Chinese investment in Bangladesh Natural Resources and Infrastructure. CenRaPS Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2), 20–43. https://doi.org/10.46291/cenraps.v5i2.100


