Neo-Liberal and Neo-Realist Theories Fail to Explain Regional Events; An Example of the Refugees Living in the Middle Black Sea Region within Scope of International Critical Theory

Traditional Theories, Particularism, Strangers, International Critical TheoryAbstract
Contrary to traditional theories that accept states as rational and claim that identities are independent of the effects of social relations, international critical theory deals with how individuals, institutions and states are shaped in the historical process. When we examine the current situation in the region from the perspective international of critical theory, we see that international critical theory brings direct, systematic and social explanations of the situation in the region. International critical theory has drawn attention to the dangers of uncontrolled particularism, which can easily deprive 'strangers' from certain rights. Linklater claims that this would be overcome by the establishment of a system based on more cosmopolitan, negotiating, dialogue and rationality, beyond the borders of the sovereign states. If we evaluate the situation in terms of the refugees living in the Central Black Sea region, the universalization and centralization of justice can triggers social transformation in the long run and it can eliminate differences between citizen and people
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