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Supply Chain Management, Customer Satisfaction, Responsiveness, InnovationAbstract
The performance of the supply chain of an organization can be a hidden resource or weapon to boost market performance and increase the profitability of the business. No other segments of the business can have the impact of the supply chain agility on reaching the market, improving the service levels, lowering retail prices and building value for both the business and the customers. The market often expects great products and services. They utilize lots of financial assets to satisfy the needs of the market. The products should be delivered on time and in good condition. In the modern-day, customers can blast a company publicly on social media if their products have not been delivered on time and this can be so damaging to the brand reputation.
In this study, we look at some scholarly articles which have been on the bond between supply chain and customer satisfaction over the years. In the introductory phase, the paper describes in general what customer satisfaction is, what supply chain is and a statement on the relationship of the two. The body of the paper discusses deeply how these two are related and the importance of one on the other. Finally, the conclusion section provides some recommendations on how the relationship can be advanced to improve organizational outcomes.
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