Phenomenological Study of Bukidnon State University Graduate Student Scholars

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  • Lolita A. Dulay
  • Elvira Sumbalan



Globalization, Internationalization, Phenomenological, Graduate Student, Scholars.


This study explored the lived experiences of the Bukidnon State University Graduate student scholars in the Mindanao Regions during the School Year 2014-2020. The study delved into the scholars’ experiences in the six related factors, namely: students, BukSU faculty, BukSU administration, DepEd administration, work, and family.

A phenomenological qualitative research design was employed. Twelve graduate student scholars were the participants of the study. The triangulation approach employing interviews, focus group discussions, and document review in the gathering of data assured the validity of the findings. Participants’ narratives on their lived experiences underwent transcriptions and analysis using Colaizzi’s method (1978).

There were six (6) themes that surfaced-out from the lived experiences of the graduate student scholars, namely: Challenging yet, fulfilling Student-Learning Experiences; Satisfying Learning Experience with Well-rounded graduate faculty; Heart-warming learning experience with the BukSU Administration; Impressive support from the DepEd Administration; Pressured learning experience; and encouraging support system.  A model showcasing the meaningful experiences of the graduate scholars and the attributes of how these scholars succeed in the pursuit of a graduate degree came out from these emerging themes.


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How to Cite

Dulay, L. A. ., & Sumbalan, E. . (2020). Phenomenological Study of Bukidnon State University Graduate Student Scholars. CenRaPS Journal of Social Sciences, 2(3), 373–411.


