The Problem that International Students Faced while Learning the Turkish Language at Sakariya University TÖMER in 2021-2022
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YTB, Turkish scholarship, Sakarya University, international students, Electronic survey.Abstract
This research was used as a qualitative research, the collection and analysis of the data to identify the problems that international students encounter while learning the Turkish language at Sakarya University TÖMER. Language is the key to the future and the light of today, and the Turkish language is one of the most important languages in the world today, with fifty thousand students distributed to public universities each year with Turkish scholarships (YTB). The interview form was delivered to the students by the researchers (electronic questionnaire) and was collected in the same way after a certain period of time. Content analysis was performed on the data obtained. The data obtained through the form were grouped in accordance with its content and the level of participation in these groups was indicated by frequency and percentage. Data was obtained from the interview form.
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